Our communities, cities, families, children, churches and schools are under attack which threatens the existence and establishment of a moral society. It’s a spiritual problem that requires a Godly solution.
Our mission to rescue, rebuild and empower lives by cultivating Bible-centered learning and activities in unique surroundings.
Reclaiming and rescuing lives is possible. Through the power of God using the people of God.
Our leadership team brings years of experience to bear working in various capacities in the secular world and more important in God’s ministry. In the process of building this Foundation, there will be a need to incorporate additional leadership who possess God-given talents uniquely suited for this endeavor.
Ready to make a difference in the life of someone in need?
This is a battle cry. Is there not a cause? People are losing their very lives and souls in a world filled with hate, conflict, hopelessness and sin. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time and talent to help achieve our mission goals, money to help us build this incredible Ministry, or influence to help us obtain the financial means to raise up this work and labor of God, we need your help, prayers and support.